Updated Features
Menu Items
Here are some new menu items that have been added since the initial Spider Jam release:
Save Recording To SD Card – this command enables you to save the currently
loaded recording to your SD card. Press the SAVE button to access it in the menu list.
Save Recording To Internal – this command enables you to save the currently loaded
recording to internal memory. Press the SAVE button and turn the wheel to access it.
Erase All Internal Recordings – when you have all your recordings backed up to an
SD card, you can clear Spider Jam’s internal memory by invoking this command.
Output Routing – press the SETTINGS button 3 times then turn the wheel to
navigate to this menu item. Normal mode is the default. When you select Performance
Mode, your guitar will play only thru the Spider Jam’s 12 inch speaker.
It’s important to note that if you plug in your headphones, the Spider Jam reverts to Normal
routing, and your guitar goes to all outputs. You can manually change the routing back to
Performance Mode, but it’s unlikely you’ll want to do so while wearing headphones.
Also keep in mind that Master Volume will control the level of the RCA Outs when
headphones are plugged in. When headphones are unplugged, RCA Outs are unaffected
by Master Volume control, so they put out 100% level, independent of output routing.
Tempo/Pitch Modes – press the SONG button twice to access Tempo/Pitch Modes.
Asdescribedonpage3•1,thisiswhereyoucanselectTime Stretching And Pitch Shifting
or Varispeed. Press the R Arrow, then turn the wheel to select the mode you want.
Looping – Looping for ‘one shot’ Guitar & Aux tracks can now be set to On or Off for
playback and recording. Press SONG button twice to access the Looping menu item.