
control board. If 120 VAC is present at terminals
L1 and L2, but DC Voltage is not present
at A+ and A-, providing the fuses are good,
replace the board. If DC voltage is present at A+
and A-, but motor does not run, check gear
motor as follows.
Conveyor Gear Motor If DC voltage is present at A+ and A-and the
motor does not run, first check the mini breaker
and then theconveyor. As described below under
conveyor.Check the leads to the motor for
evidence of any shorts or opens, and each lead
to ground. Check motor brushes. Replace
as needed. If themotor fails the above tests,
replace motor. Remove the dust cover from the
top of the motor and rotate motor shaft to deter
mine if there is a locked rotor or a locked
gear box (use care so encoder disc
is not damaged).
Conveyor Check for any mechanical mis- alignment or i
improper adjustment. Also check for worn
bearings. TheInstallation and Operations Manual
shows proper conveyor belt position. A conveyor
belt that is too tight will contribute to excessive
load, bearing wear, and wearing of slider bed
Conveyor speed varying Power Supply Check power supply at the DC
or intermittent control board for the 120 VAC ±
10% at board terminals L1 and L2.If voltage is
not present, trace wiring back to the power input,
chck the main circuit breakers and call
S/N2011821& above the power company if necessary.
Refer to page 45 Tach. generator and DC With the power to the DC motor
Motor Control Board control board turned off, remove
the leads from terminals T1 and T2.Place the
test leads of a digital test meter on the tach.
leads, turn power on, and the meter reading
should be approximately 20 to 25 VDC. This
reading is normally steady within ±
0.2 to 0.3 VDC.
If this reading is not within required VDC,
place the test meter probes on terminals A+
and A-. The meter reading should be ap
proximately 150 to 160 VDC and steady
within approximately 2 to 3 VDC. If the tach.
voltage is unsteady, and the board
output is steady, check the coupling for loose
set screws or any type of damage. If the
coupling checks good, the tach. is usually
bad. If the board voltage output is unsteady
beyond limits, then the board is probably
bad. Always check the speed pot. Be sure it
is okay before
Impinger II - 1100 Series Service Manual - International 31