This Operation Manual describes the functions of the following product:
Life Fitness Treadmill Model:
Thank you for purchasing a Life Fitness treadmill. Before using this product please read this user manual in its entirety
to ensure that you have the knowledge to safely and properly operate all of the features on your treadmill. We hope you
achieve the product experience on your treadmill that you expect, but if you do have any service issues please go to the
How to Obtain Product Service section which will provide information on obtaining domestic and international product
service. See "Specifications" in this manual for product specific features.
Statement of Purpose: The Treadmill is an exercise machine that enables users to walk or run in place on a moving surface.
Health-related injuries may result from incorrect or excessive use of exercise equipment. The manufacturer
STRONGLY recommends seeing a physician for a complete medical exam before undertaking an exercise
program, particularly if the user has a family history of high blood pressure or heart disease; or is over the age
of 45; or smokes, has high cholesterol, is obese, or has not exercised regularly in the past year. The
manufacturer also recommends consulting a fitness professional on the correct use of this product.
If, at any time while exercising, the user experiences faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath,
he or she must stop immediately.