Liebert Series 600T UPS, 65-225 kVA, Single Module 13
Figure 6. Preferred Grounding Configuration, Power-Tie™ Systems
PER NEC 250-24
PER NEC 250-24
7.6. Preferred Grounding Configuration,
480 or 600 VAC Input and Output,
with Power-Tie™ Switchgear
Single Module Systems can be used with Power-Tie
switchgear to provide dual critical load busses. The
Power-Tie switchgear permits transferring critical
loads from one critical bus to the other so that one
UPS module and associated breakers can be de-
energized for maintenance. Certain configurations
of Power-Tie equipment also permit the operator to
continuously parallel the output of the UPS
In tied systems, each UPS module must have its
neutral solidly connected to its own building
service neutral and to the Power-Tie switchgear
neutral. See Figure 6 above.
It is essential to run a neutral connection
between the tie switchgear and both UPS
modules as shown in the illustration above.