To contact Liebert Services for information or repair service in the United States, call
1-800-LIEBERT (1-800-543-2378). Liebert Services offers a complete range of start-up services, repair
services, preventive maintenance plans and service contracts.
For repair or maintenance service outside the 48 contiguous United States, contact Liebert Services,
if available in your area. For areas not covered by Emerson Network Power Liebert Services, the
authorized distributor is responsible for providing qualified, factory-authorized service.
For LGS to assist you promptly, please have the following information available:
Part numbers: _________________________________________________________________
Serial numbers:________________________________________________________________
Rating: _______________________________________________________________________
Date purchased: _______________________________________________________________
Date installed:_________________________________________________________________
Input voltage/frequency:________________________________________________________
Output voltage/frequency: ______________________________________________________
Battery reserve time:___________________________________________________________
Product Warranty Registration
To register for warranty protection, visit the Service and Support section of our Web site at:
Click on Product Registration and fill out the form.