
A list of possible configurations will help the customer to decide exactly what is required. A specification of where base
stations should be placed. This can be marked on the survey map, but additional information such as height and fixing
instructions should be included where appropriate.
A specification of the areas that will be covered by the base station and the areas that may cause problems. This can be
useful when testing the system.
The theoretical maximum number of overlapping cells is 10, if all time slots and frequencies are used. If not all time slots
and frequencies are used, this value is higher. However this is unlikely to be reached in practical situations.
For a large site where a thorough survey has been impossible, it may be prudent to add additional base stations to the
product offer to allow for unforeseen problem areas.
Check list for Survey Data
z Building characteristics (list for each building); Building identification (refer to maps if available); Type of use....
z Dimensions (refer to maps if available)
z Number of floors (refer to maps if available)
z Height per floor
z Partitioning per floor (refer to floor plans if available)
z Construction details (type of construction and materials used)
z Radio coverage requirements....
z List areas which are to be excluded from radio coverage, or where radio coverage is not absolutely required.
z List areas where radio coverage is not feasible or requires specific base stations.
z Objects inside buildings
z Details of furniture, cupboards, machinery, etc. in the interior of buildings per floor.
z Position of GDK-20W DECT.
z Connection between a WTI port and a base station....
z For each base station, the following details of its connection to a WTI port are required:
9 The length of cable between WTI port and base station
9 Whether existing cabling is present that might be used and if so, the type of cabling (twisted pair, star quad,
wire diameter, etc.)
9 Presence of free pairs, etc. cabling layout (risers, horizontal wiring, distribution frames) and whether existing
cabling can be used or new wiring is required.