
Print Position
Draft document
Automatic Line Feed (LF)
Turns the automatic line feed mode On and Off.
The value of n can be either of the following:
1 (dec) 01 (hex) = ON
0 (dec) 00 (hex) = OFF
When on, executes an automatic line feed when a carriage return is received.
Reverse Line Feed
This command feeds the paper one line in the reverse direction.
Format ESC ]
Decimal 27 93
Hex 1B 5D
Caution: This command is not recommend. Repetitive use of this command can
cause a paper jam.
Set Vertical Units (259X only)
For 259x printers only.
This command selects the line feed spacing increment for the following commands:
Set Graphics Line Spacing (ESC 3)
Graphics Variable Line Spacing (ESC J).
Format ESC 5 n
Decimal 27 53 n
Hexadecimal 1B 35 n
Format ESC [ \ n1 n2 m1 m2 m3 m4
Decimal 279192n1 000m3 m4
Hexadecimal 1B 5B 5C n1 00 00 00 m3 m4