DC-2 Digital Controller
Once you have entered the distance to the nearest speaker, the DC-2 will
automatically calculate the maximum allowable distance. The display will
show all of the speakers, each with a default distance setting equal to your
nearest speaker. Use SELECT and ▲ and ▼ to highlight and enter actual
distances for each speaker. The DC-2 rounds off distance settings into
discrete steps – choose the closest step to the actual distance in these cases.
If a speaker distance is further than the DC-2 can accommodate, set it to the
maximum allowable distance. (This will vary, depending on your intial
entry for NEAREST SPKR.)
A/V Sync Delay compensates for the delay that occurs when a video
processor, such as a scan converter, is used with the DC-2. Most of these
processors alter the original audio/video timing relationship by adding
delay to the video signal as it is processed. A/V Sync Delay applies a
corresponding delay to the audio signal to restore the original audio/video
timing relationship. It can also be used to compensate for poorly mastered
source material.
If your video material appears to be out of sync, engage A/V Sync Delay in
the LISTENER POSITION menu. With a video source running, adjust the
delay along its range with ▲ and ▼.
Note that it is best to use a non-film source when setting A/V Sync Delay,
as film dialog added in post production may have poor timing relation-
A/V Sync Delay
Panorama works by canceling the sound going from each speaker to the
opposite ear. Its effectiveness is highly dependent on the geometry of your
front loudspeakers, the room and your listening position. The correct
timing of the canceling signal varies with the relative angle between your
main speakers.
Find a mono source, such as an announcer on FM radio or a mono film, and
listen for a tightly focused center image of speech or singing. If the image is
off-center, adjust the DC-2’s input balance controls. (The more centered the
monaural image, the better Panorama will work.)
Select CALIBRATE PANORAMA from the Listener Position menu to
display a sub-menu that allows you to turn on a calibration noise source,
configure the speaker angle, and adjust the listener position.
Calibrate Panorama