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Leica Biosystems Leica HER2 FISH System - 30 Test Instructions for Use TA9217 EN-CE-Rev_D 08/04/2013
Problem Probable Cause Remedial Action
No or weak
Inappropriate xation or
processing of test specimen
Ensure a formalin-based xative is used and
that processing schedules are suitable for
the specimen undergoing testing.
Leica HER2 FISH System - 30
Test is being used outside its
expiry date
Ensure the Leica HER2 FISH System - 30
Test used is within its specied expiry date.
Incorrect protocol selection
Ensure appropriate default to *FISH Protocol
A in the staining protocol eld of the Add slide
Inappropriate bulk reagents
Ensure all Leica BOND reagents have been
allocated to appropriate bulk containers
and placed into appropriate positions on the
Inadequate deparanization
of slides
Ensure *Dewax mode is selected in the
Preparation eld of the Add slide dialog.
Inappropriate pretreatment Ensure default pretreatment (HIER and
Enzymatic Digestion) protocols are selected.
Adjust pretreatment protocol (HIER or
Enzymatic Digestion) if required.
Inadequate denaturation
Ensure appropriate default denaturation *D10 is
Inadequate hybridization
Ensure appropriate default hybridization *H12 is
selected. Extend hybridization time if required.
Excess post hybridization
Decrease post hybridization wash incubation
Run aborted prior to
Using Leica BOND software, conrm the
presence of any reportable errors during the
staining run and address as instructed by
the Leica BOND software.
Inappropriate uorescence
microscopy equipment
• Inappropriate lter set
• Incorrect lamp
• Expired lamp
• Incorrect oil type
Ensure that all uorescence microscopy
equipment used is appropriate for the assay
being performed, conrm:
• Appropriate lter set
• Appropriate lamp
• Good lamp strength
• Appropriate oil for use in oil immersion
Over exposure to UV light
Store slides before and after assessment in
the dark to preserve uorescent signals. To
maintain signal for long term storage store
slides at –20 ºC.