
Leica M Stereomicroscopes – Assembly
Incident-light stand
̈ Remove the stage plate.
̈ Insert 3 Allen screws into the underside
of the baseplate and secure them to the
bottom end of the side-faced column.
̈ Insert the stage plate.
To fit the microscope carrier and the stereomicroscope,
see page 34
Transmitted-light stand
Pull the power cable out of the socket in the stand.
̈ Remove the glass stage plate.
̈ Carefully invert the transmitted-
light base and remove 7 Allen
screws from the base.
̈ Lift off the lower part of the base.
̈ Reverse the upper part of the base.
̈ Insert 3 Allen screws into the cover
plate from beneath and secure
them to the bottom end of the side-
faced column.
̈ Replace and secure the base.
̈ Insert the glass stage plate.
̈ Fit the microscope carrier and the
stereomicroscope as described
on page 34.
Technical data see page 74
Side-faced column
incident-light base
Side-faced column
transmitted-light base