Leica M-series User Manual 117
About Fluorescence Microscopy
Functional principle
Fluorescent substances light up when irradi-
ated with short-wave excitation light, and fluo-
rescence microscopy takes advantage of this
property. Specimens without self-fluorescence
are stained with a fluorescent substance. One
such dye is green fluorescent protein (GFP),
which is used in molecular biology.
The Leica M Series
The Leica M series fluorescence stereomicro-
scopes allow entire fluorescent specimens to
be studied, unprepared and in three dimen-
sions. The fully apochromatic optics system and
the enormous zoom range make the Leica M
series stereomicroscopes your first choice. The
patented TripleBeam® third beam path for fluo-
rescence illumination and the patented FLUOIII®
filter system generate highest-quality fluores-
cence images. The very bright high-pressure
mercury burner and specially selected filter sets
enable you to distinguish the finest structures
and enhance the quantity of information for
incident light fluorescence.
The filter system
The FLUOIII® filter system consists of a rapid
filter changer for barrier and excitation filters
and a filter insert for a filter holder with your
choice of filter. A total of four filter sets (which
are labeled) can be used in the rapid filter
changer. An empty filter cartridge is also avail-
able for individual filter combinations. Each
filter set includes two barrier filters to the visual
beam paths and an excitation filter to the illu-
mination beam path.