Leica M series Manual 93
Leica LED5000 RL
The Leica LED5000 RL ("Ring Light") generates
a very bright and homogenous incident light.
It has a diameter of 80 mm and illuminates the
specimen with 48 LEDs that can be switched on
and off completely or in various combinations.
It is controlled using either the integrated or via
the Leica Application Suite (LAS).
LAS enables you to create fully reproducible
illumination scenarios and automatically toggle
between them. For additional information, refer
to the LAS online help.
Using the keyboard
Use the ★ key to switch the illumination on
or off.
Use the "+" and "–" keys to adjust the ★
brightness in 10 increments. Touch either
of the two buttons to adjust the intensity in
small increments. Hold a key to change the
intensity more quickly.
The illumination scenarios
Use the " " and " " keys to toggle between the
illumination scenarios shown below.
The Leica LED5000 RL has been designed for
use with the 1.0× and 0.63× objectives. For the
1.6× and 2.0×, conventional ring illuminators
from the Leica illuminator product range are