Leica M series User Manual 9
Safety Instructions (continued)
Legal regulations
★ Observe the generally applicable statu-
tory and country-specific regulations for
accident prevention and environmental
EC Declaration of Conformity
★ Electrically operated accessories are
constructed based on the state of the art
of technology and are provided with an EC
Declaration of Conformity. See page 55
Health risks
Workplaces with stereomicroscopes facilitate
and improve the viewing task, but they also
impose high demands on the eyes and holding
muscles of the user. Depending on the dura-
tion of uninterrupted work, asthenopia and
musculoskeletal problems may occur. For this
reason, appropriate measures for reduction of
the workload must be taken:
Optimal arrangement of workplace, work
assignments and work flow (changing tasks
frequently). Thorough training of the person-
nel, giving consideration to ergonomic and
organizational aspects.
The ergonomic design and construction of the
Leica M stereomicroscopy series are intended to
reduce the exertion of the user to a minimum.
Direct contact with eyepieces can be a potential
transmission path for bacterial and viral infec-
tions of the eye.
The risk can be kept to a minimum by using
personal eyepieces for each individual or
detachable eyecups.
Careful handling
★ Exercise particular care when setting up
the instruments. If it is specified that two or
more people are required for setup, compli-
ance with this is mandatory.
★ Never spill any liquids on electrical instru-
ments. This could cause the stereomicro-
scope and other equipment to become
electrically live and damage people and
★ Never clean instruments using corro-
sive cleaning agents or those containing
acetone. For detailed information about
care, refer to the User Manual for the instru-
★ Check the power cables regularly. Defective
power cables can cause injuries.
★ Wait for bulbs to cool off before changing
them. Touching hot bulbs can cause burns.