9. Accessories
9.4 Rotating Mecha-
nism for Toolmark
The rotating mechanism (order No. 581 088)
(Fig. 52) consists of a stage plate, which can be
mounted directly onto the motorized cross-
stage, and an articulated illumination arm,
which allows you to rotate the illumination
around the specimen.
Either the inclining rotating stage ΓΈ 75 mm or the
universal object holder can be installed on the
rotating plate.
Fig. 52 Rotating mechanism for toolmark examination
9.5 Light Panel
For homogeneous illumination of larger objects,
you can use the light panel (Fig. 53).
It is installed on a separate articulated arm or
onto the oblique incident illuminator and con-
nected to the cold light illuminator KL2500 via
the 9 mm light guide.
Housing: 139.7 mm x 50.8 mm
Light panel: 81.28 mm x 30.48 mm
Fig. 53 Light panel