Leica DM750 Manual 14
Care instructions
General instructions
Ϙ Protect the Leica DM750 microscope
against damp, vapors, acids, alkalis, and
corrosive substances. Do not store chemi-
cals in the vicinity.
Ϙ Protect the Leica DM750 microscope from
oil and grease. Never grease or oil mechani-
cal parts or sliding surfaces.
Ϙ Follow the instructions of the disinfectant
Ϙ It is advisable to enter a service agreement
with Leica Service.
Cleaning coated parts and plastic parts
Ϙ Dust and dirt particles should be removed
with a soft brush or lint-free cotton cloth.
Ϙ Remove coarse debris with a moistened
disposable cloth.
Ϙ Clinging dirt can be removed using petro-
leum ether or alcohol
Ϙ Acetone, xylene or nitro-containing thin-
ners must NOT be used.
Ϙ Never use chemicals to clean colored
surfaces or accessories with rubberized
parts. This could damage the surfaces, and
specimens could be contaminated by abra-
ded particles.
Cleaning glass surfaces
Ϙ Remove dust using a dry and grease-free
brush made from hair, by blowing with
bellows, or by using a vacuum.
Ϙ Remove dirt using a clean cloth that has
been moistened with distilled water.
Ϙ Remove tough dirt using alcohol or petro-
leum ether.