6. Assembly
6.3 Tube and eyepieces
The tube is mounted on the stand either directly
or with the use of intermediate modules. The
side clamping screw fastens it into place (9b.1).
For the MBDT motorized tube only:
Remove the transport anchor (9a.1) on the un-
derside of the tube.
• Partially unscrew the clamping screw (9b.1).
• Insert the tube into the circular receptacle
(dovetail ring).
• Retighten the clamping screw (9b.1).
For the MBDT motorized tube only:
Connect the tube to the stand with the con-
nector bushing (10.1).
Fig. 9b Fastening the tube
1 Clamping screw
Fig. 10 Motorized tube connection
1 Connector socket
Fig. 9a Underside of the tube
1 Transport anchor
• The eyepieces are inserted into the eyepiece
tubes on the tube.
For the BDTP tube only:
The Pol eyepieces are inserted into the eye-
piece tubes (using the locking groove).