SLAVE OUT: The slave out gives the user an output for driving other amplifiers. This is useful in multi-amp setups where a
single preamp can drive several GH power stages. This can be done by simply daisy chaining SLAVE OUT’s to SLAVE IN’s. The
Slave Out is an (unbalanced) line level output.
SLAVE IN: The Slave in socket provides the user with an input to the power amplifier stage. The Slave in is only operative
when the FX switch is in Side Chain or Insert mode. When a Jack is connected to the Slave In socket the preamp signal does
not pass to the power amp.
FX RETURN LEVEL: This control serves two purposes.
1) In Side chain mode it controls the level of the FX Return signal mixed with the dry signal.
2) In Insert mode it behaves as an overall level control. (See 14)
EFFECTS LOOP RETURN: Connect the output from your external effects to this socket. The effects loop allows you to
connect external effects such as tremolos, chorus and delays to your amplifier. A portion of the signal leaves the amplifier via
the `Send’ socket and comes back from the effects unit via the ‘Return’ socket. A notable feature on the GH products is you
won’t lose sustain when the FX loops are in use. This is because the power stages are still driven by a tube FX loop buffer.
EFFECTS LOOP SWITCH: This allows the effects loop to operate in three distinct modes:
1) Side Chain: The return signal is mixed with the dry signal, the level of FX return is controlled by the FX return
level control. This allows you to set the right mix between the dry signal and the effects signal.
(When the Effects loop switch is in ‘Side Chain’ mode the Slave in socket is operative)
2) Insert: The return signal is buffered and sent directly to the output tubes, no mixing with the dry signal happens.
The wet/dry mix is adjusted within the external FX processor. The FX return level control then acts as overall level
control allowing you to make up for any insertion loss that may occur in the FX processor.
Warning: In insert mode with the FX return level control at minimum the amplifier will have no output, good
normal level for this control is ‘5’ which is approx unity gain.
(When the Effects loop switch is in ‘Insert’ mode the Slave In socket is operative)
3) Bypass: The FX loop circuitry is switched out of circuit altogether.
EFFECTS LOOP SEND: Connect the input of your external effect to this socket. A ‘side chain’ effects loop allows you to
connect external effects such as tremolo’s, chorus and delays to your amplifier. Signal leaves the amplifier via the `Send’ socket
and comes back from the effects via the `Return` socket. Some Effects are better suited to being between the guitar and
amplifer input - these are foot pedal types / distortion / wah wah pedals etc. Rack mount effects will work better in the FX
loop on the amplifer rear. Stomp boxes are normally designed for small signals such as a guitar output whereas rack mount FX
are designed for the higher signal level obtained from an FX send.
SERIAL NO: Displays the model and serial number of the unit.
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