
Free Advice
Free Advice
system. The Audiomat Opéra, with its
much larger power supply, was listened
to on the Omega system, because we
thought (correctly as it turned out) that it
could handle our Reference 3a Supremas,
with their push-pull passive subwoofers.
The Copland CTA-405 would no doubt
have had a more difficult time deliver-
ing the current needed, and so we made
the decision to listen to it in the Alpha
system, with our Living Voice Avatar
speakers. The Copland’s excellent per-
formance pointed up what we had been
suspecting: that an upgrade of the Alpha
system might be in order. That has since
been done.
I have the following eight-year old
system: Linn Classik, Linn LK100 and
Linn Keileigh speakers. I have a budget of
about £2000. Could you suggest what the
best upgrade route would be?
Darren Gibson
We wish we could make all of this
section available free, but our accountant
has this little thing about us staying in
business. Ah well!
But the rest of the issue can of course
be seen whole. You have your choice of
the print version or the electronic ver-
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Basis Bullet
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