3.3–3: Slp..8 (Slope T01...08)
3.3–4: Slp..16 (Slope T09...16)
3.3–3(4)a: Top Slope, Bottom Slope
Top Slope [00...72]
Specifies the key range (12 is one octave) from the top key
until the original volume is reached.
Bottom Slope [00...72]
Specifies the key range (12 is one octave) from the bottom
key until the original volume is reached.
■ 3.3–3(4)b: UTILITY
☞“Memory Status,” “Solo Selected Track,” “Rename Song,”
“Delete Song,” “Copy From Song,” “Copy From Combi,”
“Load Template Song,” “Save Template Song,” “FF/REW
Speed,” “Set Location” (1.1–1d)
3.3–5: Review
3.3–5a: Key Zone Map (All)
This shows the range of note data that will be sounded by
tracks 1–16. The note range that will be sounded is shown as
a line, and the slope portion is grayed.
■ 3.3–5b: UTILITY
☞“Memory Status,” “Solo Selected Track,” “Rename Song,”
“Delete Song,” “Copy From Song,” “Copy From Combi,”
“Load Template Song,” “Save Template Song,” “FF/REW
Speed,” “Set Location” (1.1–1d)
Top/Bottom Velocity specify the range of velocities that will
be sounded by tracks 1–8 and 9–16, and Top/Bottom Slope
specify the range over which the volume will be adjusted.
These settings do not affect MIDI transmission/recep-
tion. All note data that is received will be recorded into
the internal sequencer, and all note data from the inter-
nal sequencer or from the keyboard will be transmitted.
3.4–1: Vel..8 (Vel T01...08)
3.4–2: Vel..16 (Vel T09...16)
3.4–1(2)a: Velocity Zone Map (1)
This shows the range of velocities that will sound the cur-
rently selected track.
The velocity range that will be sounded is shown as a line,
and the slope portion is grayed. (
☞p.40 COMBI 3.4–1a)
3.4–1(2)b: Top Velocity, Bottom Velocity
Top Velocity [1…127]
Specifies the maximum velocity that will be sounded by
each track 1–8, 9–16.
Bottom Velocity [1…127]
Specifies the minimum velocity that will be sounded by
each track 1–8, 9–16.
For a diagram of these parameters, refer to “COMBI 3.4: Ed-
Vel Zone.”
You can also enter a value for these parameters by play-
ing a note while you hold down the [ENTER] key.
■ 3.4–1(2)c: UTILITY
☞“Memory Status,” “Solo Selected Track,” “Rename Song,”
“Delete Song,” “Copy From Song,” “Copy From Combi,”
“Load Template Song,” “Save Template Song,” “FF/REW
Speed,” “Set Location” (1.1–1d)
SEQ 3.4: Vel Zone