Creating a new song
Here you can create a new song.
P.1 SongGrade: specify the song grade
1. SongGrade..................................................[Hiq, Std, Eco]
Select the song grade (recording quality) for the song you
want to create.
Hiq (High Quality): best audio quality
Std (Standard): standard audio quality
Eco (Economy): longest recording time
Here you can view information about the card, check the
card, format the card, or manage effect user files.
All data on the card will be lost when you format it.
P. 1 CardInfo (Infomation): View card information
Here you can view the card type, and the amount of free
1. Capacity [16M, 32M, 64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G]
This displays the type of card that is currently being used.
The capacity is shown in Megabytes (M) or Gigabytes (G).
2. Free[%].............................................................................
This indicates the percentage (%) of free space available
on the currently-used card (i.e., space that can be written).
P.2 CdFxSave: Saving an effect user file
This operation saves the effect user data to the card.
1. Save Num.................................................................[1, 2]
Select the save destination for the effect data.
1: The data will be saved to Num1 (the data that is loaded
at power-on).
2: The data will be saved to Num2.
The normal effect write operation (→p.39) will always over-
write the data onto Num1.EFF. If you do not want to over-
write, select “2.”