WWhhaatt ttoo AAvvooiidd WWhhiillee UUssiinngg tthhiiss SSttrroolllleerr
AAllwwaayyss bbaallaannccee tthhee wweeiigghhtt ooff tthhee ssttrroolllleerr eevveennllyy..
To prevent the
stroller from becoming unstable or tipping:
• Do not place parcels or accessory items on the stroller canopy,
seat, or over the handle.
• Do not put more than 10 lbs. (4.54 kg) in the basket.
• Do not put more than 3 lbs. (1.36 kg) in each cargo bag (select
• Do not allow children to play with or hang onto the stroller.
•• NNeevveerr uussee tthhiiss ssttrroolllleerr oonn ssttaaiirrwwaayyss oorr e
•• AAllwwaayyss ffaasstteenn tthhee hhoooodd oonnttoo tthhee sseeaatt bbaacckk wwhheenn uussiinngg tthhee ssttrroolllleerr
iinn tthhee rreecclliinneedd ppoossiit
•• DDOO NNOOTT lliifftt bbyy ttrraayy oorr ttooyyss..
•• DDOO NNOOTT ppuutt cchhiilldd iinn bbaasskkeett..
allow children to climb into stroller unassisted. Stroller
may tip over and injure child.
Keep wheels at a recommended tire pressure of 35 p.s.i. (241 kPa)
(select models).
Only use replacement parts supplied by the manufacturer.