Troubleshooting (cont.)
Troubleshooting Table
Symptoms Probable Cause Recommended Action
E. If none of the recommended
actions for the above issues
correct the symptom, the valve
requires servicing.
E. Contact your Kohler Co. authorized
service representative.
4. Maximum blend
temperature too hot or
too cold.
A. Incorrect maximum temperature
A. Refer to the ″Set the Maximum
Temperature″ section in the Digital
Interface Homeowners Guide.
B. If the above recommended
action does not correct the
symptom, the interface or valve
requires servicing.
B. Contact your authorized Kohler
service representative.
5. Continuous flow. A. System will not switch off. A. Turn off the water and power
supply and contact your Kohler Co.
authorized service representative.
6. Massage mode shuts
down but water continues
to run from
A. Unequal flow rates between
valve outlets.
A. Verify the installation has one
bodyspray per valve outlet and
uses bodysprays with the same
flow rate. If needed, contact the
installer to revise the installation.
B. Fluctuation of inlet pressure. B. Install pressure regulators in the
supply lines.
C. Pressure difference greater than
5 psi (34.5 kPa) between the hot
and cold supply lines.
C. Install pressure regulators to bring
the supplies with 5 psi (34.5 kPa)
of each other.
7. Only cold water flows
from the outlets.
A. Hot water supply is either not
turned on or not connected to
the valve inlet.
A. Check if the hot water supply is
turned on and connected to the
valve inlet.
B. Hot water inlet is blocked. B. Check if the hot water inlet screen
for blockage. Clean or replace the
inlet screen. Refer to the Valve
Homeowners Guide.
C. If none of the recommended
actions for the above issues
correct the symptom, the valve
requires servicing.
C. Contact your Kohler Co. authorized
service representative.
8. Fluctuating or reduced
flow rate. Valve is
functioning properly.
A. Inlet/outlet fittings may be
A. Check the inlets and outlets for
blockage or debris. Clean the inlet
screens. Refer to the ″Clean the
Inlet Screens″ section.
B. Water outlet pressure is low. B. Check that the flow rate is at or
above the minimum rate required.
Refer to ″Specifications″ section in
the Valve Homeowners Guide.
C. Fluctuating flow.
C. Verify that the dynamic inlet
pressures are within specifications.
Refer to ″Specifications″ section.
D. If none of the recommended
actions for the above issues
correct the symptom, the valve
requires servicing.
D. Contact your Kohler Co. authorized
service representative.
9. Blend temperature drift or
temperature cycling.
A. Fluctuating water temperature. A. Check the inlet temperature
differentials and verify they are
sufficient. Refer to ″Specifications″
B. Hot water supply temperature
B. Check and make adjustments as
Kohler Co. 11 1043184-2-B