TP-6200 10/12210 Appendix
Controller Inputs and System Events 125RZG
DD/MTU Engines
NFPA 110
Digital Aux. Input D17 VAR/PF mode
Digital Aux. Input D18 Voltage Lower
Digital Aux. Input D19 Voltage Raise
Digital Aux. Input D20 Air Damper Indicator Shutdown
(if engine equipped)
Digital Aux. Input D21 Idle (Speed) Mode Warning
ECM Yellow Alarm Warning X
ECM Red Alarm Shutdown X
EEPROM Write Failure Shutdown
Emergency Stop Shutdown
Engine Derate Active
(Engine) J1939 CAN Engine Shutdown (ECM only)
Engine Stalled (ECM only)
EPS (Emergency Power System) Supplying Load Warning
Field Overvoltage Shutdown
(M4, M5, M7, M10 alternator only) (see D04)
Fuel Level (units with subbase fuel tanks) (see A04)
Fuel Valve Relay X
Generator Set Running
Ground Fault Detected Warning
High Battery Voltage Warning
High Coolant Temperature Shutdown
High Coolant Temperature Warning
High Oil Temperature Shutdown
High Oil Temperature Warning X X
Idle Speed Mode Function Warning
Intake Air Temperature Shutdown X
Intake Air Temperature Warning X
Intake Air Temperature Warning (see A03) X
Internal Fault Shutdown
Knock Shutdown (see D13) X
Load Shed kW Overload Warning (FAA only)
Load Shed Over Temperature (activated by HCT shutdown) X
Load Shed Underfrequency Warning
Locked Rotor Shutdown
Loss of ECM Communication Shutdown (ECM engines only)
Loss of Field Shutdown (Reverse VARs) X
Low Battery Voltage Warning
Low Coolant Level Shutdown
Low Coolant Level Warning (see D14) X
Low Coolant Temperature Shutdown X
Low Coolant Temperature Warning (see D03) X
Low Fuel (Level or Pressure) Warning, (see D02) X
Low Fuel (Pressure) Shutdown (see D09) X
(Low) Oil Pressure Shutdown
(Low) Oil Pressure Warning
Maintenance Due
Master Not In Auto (Generator Set Switch)
Master Switch Error Shutdown
Master Switch to Off Shutdown
Master Switch Open Shutdown