TP-6335 9/04 Fuel System 9
Section 5 Fuel System
Explosive fuel vapors.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Use extreme care when handling,
storing, and using fuels.
The fuel system. Explosive fuel vaporscan causesevere
injury or death. Vaporized fuels are highly explosive. Use
extremecarewhen handlingand storingfuels. Storefuelsina
well-ventilated area away from spark-producing equipment
and out of the reach of children. Never add fuel to the tank
while the engine is runningbecause spilled fuel mayignite on
contact with hot parts orfrom sparks. Do notsmoke orpermit
flames or sparks to occur near sources of spilled fuel or fuel
vapors. Keep the fuellines andconnections tightand ingood
condition. Donotreplaceflexiblefuellineswithrigidlines. Use
flexible sections to avoid fuel line breakage caused by
vibration. Do notoperate thegenerator setin the presence of
fuel leaks, fuel accumulation, or sparks. Repair fuel systems
before resuming generator set operation.
Draining the fuel system. Explosive fuel vapors can
cause severe injury or death. Spilled fuel can cause an
explosion. Useacontainertocatchfuelwhendrainingthefuel
system. Wipe up spilled fuel after draining the system.
5.1 Gasoline
Fuel system design. Design the generator set
gasoline fuel system to operate independently of the
vehicle engine fuel system if the operator may operate
both engines simultaneously. Kohler Co. recommends
using separate fuel tanks, if possible; however, using
separate fuel tanks is usually impractical because of
space restrictions. In most installations, both engines
operate off a common tank with a separate dip-tube
arrangement as shown in Figure 5-1. The dip-tube
arrangement prevents the larger engine from starving
the smaller engine of fuel. The generator set dip tube is
generally shorter than the vehicle dip tube to stop the
generator set before the vehicle engine runs out of fuel.
With the dip-tube arrangement, the generator may not
get fuel during a low fuel-supply situation.
Tee arrangement. Do not usethe teearrangement. Do
not tee into the fuel-supply or -return line of fuel-injected
1. Fuel line to the generator set
2. Fuel line to the vehicle engine
Figure 5-1 Two Dip Tubes in Fuel Tank
Note: Supply the fuel using a two dip-tube arrangement
if the generator shares the vehicle engine fuel
tank. Consult an authorized Kohler service
distributor/dealer for further fuel system
installation information.