Viewing locally on your frame
3 In Picture & Videos, click the folder or location that contains the files you want to
add to the slide show.
4 In the Viewer pane, select the pictures, videos, or music, then drag and drop them
to the Slide Show Editor. Drag pictures in the Editor to change the order.
5 Click Save. In the Save Slide Show window, enter a new name in the text box, then
click Save.
The multimedia slide show is listed in the left navigation pane under Slide Shows.
For more details on creating multimedia slide shows in Digital Display Software,
click Help.
Copying a multimedia slide show to your frame
Use Digital Display Software on your computer to copy your multimedia slide shows to
your frame.
1 In the navigation pane under Slide Show, click a multimedia slide show.
2 Drag the slide show to your frame in the Drag & Drop Zone.
For more details on copying from Digital Display Software to your frame, click THE
Help or see page 44 in this guide.