4-6 A-61408 September 1995
Error Code Description Action
E209 Bar Code
The Bar Code Reader detected
more than the maximum 80
characters. The documents
deposited in the exit hopper must
be rescanned after the error has
been corrected.
After pressing C, verify the bar code
has more than 80 characters. Disable
the Bar Code Reader (F64) and
rescan the document.
E214 Re-Scan
Length Monitr Er
Tried to scan a document which is
longer/shorter than maximum/
minimum length defined by the
current application mode.
Rescan after checking length.
E216 Printer
Hardware Error
At power on, a hardware error has
been detected in the Document
Printer. The E236 Turn Off
Accessory message is also
displayed. The Document Printer
was not disabled via function
code F40-42.
Disable the Document Printer via
function code F40-42 or select an
application mode that does not use the
Document Printer.
E217 Bar Code
Hardware Error
At power on, a hardware error has
been detected in the Bar Code
Reader. The E236 Turn Off
Accessory message is also
displayed. The Bar Code Reader
was not disabled via function
code F60.
Disable the Bar Code Reader via
function code F60 or select an
application mode that does not use the
Bar Code Reader.
E222 Jam–Feed/
Horz Trans Area
A document jam has been
detected in the feeder or
horizontal transport area.
Clear the jam by following the
procedures outlined in Section 6,
in this manual.
E223 Jam–Vert
Trans/Exit Area
A document jam has been
detected in the vertical transport
or exit area.
Clear the jam by following the
procedures outlined in Section 6,
in this manual.
E224 Jam Or Dble
Feed–Check Trans
A document jam or double-feed
has been detected.
Clear the jam by following the
procedures outlined in Section 6,
in this manual.
E225 Jam–Check
Entire Transport
A document jam has been
Clear the jam by following the
procedures outlined in Section 6,
in this manual.
E230 Open Door
Entire Transport
This message is displayed along
with other document jam
Open the access door and transport
plate as suggested by the
accompanying messages and proceed
with clearing the jam by following the
procedures outlined in Section 6,
in this manual.
E232 Close All
Access Doors
One or more access doors are
Close the door(s) that are open.
E234 Press JOG,
To Remove Docs
When pressing the Run key, a
document has been detected
under a document sensor.
Press the Jog key to remove all
documents in the transport system.
Press Run to start the transport
system and rescan any documents
which have not been scanned.
E235 Controlled
Power-Down Reqrd
This message is displayed
accompanying a more detailed
error message.
Perform a controlled power-down
E236 Turn Off
Disable the accessory that has
been selected via the
corresponding function code so
the current application mode can
be used.
After pressing C, press the F key and
the corresponding function code to
disable to accessory.