The display screen shows the time of day and Home screen
when the microwave oven is not in use. During programming, it
displays function menus, servings and weights, preparation
instructions, and cooking time/power settings. During a cooking
cycle, it counts down the remaining time, and gives prompts to
stir or turn food.
The following illustrates how the MICRO-DIAL™ control and
display screens help the navigation through menus. This example
shows the display screens and selections when cooking regular
quick oatmeal.
1. Touch FIRST SCREEN pad. Press dial to select Cook.
2. Turn dial to Cereals. Press dial to select.
3. Turn dial to Regular Quick Oatmeal. Press dial to select.
4. Turn dial to 3 servings. Press dial to select.
5. Turn dial to Start. Press dial to select. (For preparation
instructions, select Prepare and follow the instructions.)
6. Wait for tones that signal end of cooking time.
See “Learning Mode” section to see how to practice navigating
through the menus without turning on the magnetron.
The display contrast may be adjusted to a desired contrast level.
To Set Display Contrast: Touch FIRST SCREEN pad. Turn dial to
Custom. Press. Turn dial to Display Contrast. Press. Follow
directions to set desired contrast.
This is a 12 hour clock, showing a.m. and p.m. When power is
first supplied to the microwave oven, or after a power failure, the
“Welcome” screen will appear.
To Se t C lo ck :
1. Touch FIRST SCREEN pad.
2. Turn dial to Custom. Press.
3. Turn dial to Set Clock. Press.
4. Turn dial to set hours. Press.
5. Turn dial to set minutes. Press.
6. Turn dial to AM or PM. Press.
7. Press dial again to complete the Clock settings.
The Clock display may be turned off. While off, the Clock
continues to keep the correct time.
To Turn Clock On/Off: Touch FIRST SCREEN pad. Select
Custom. Select Set Clock. Touch OFF/CANCEL. To restore Clock
display, touch FIRST SCREEN pad. Select Custom. Select Set
Clock. Press dial.
To n e s
Tones are audible signals, indicating the following:
One tone
■ MICRO-DIAL control programming tone
■ End of Timer countdown (long tone)
Tw o to nes
■ Reminder, repeat each minute for 15 minutes after the end-
of-cycle tones
Three Tones
■ Invalid entry
Four tones
■ End-of-cycle
All Tones
All of the preceding tones, as well as end-of-stage and turn or stir
tones are preset on, but can be turned off.
To Tur n Off Ton es :
1. Touch FIRST SCREEN pad.
2. Turn dial to Custom. Press.
3. Turn dial to Signals. Press.
4. Turn dial to desired tone.
5. Press dial to turn off.
Repeat above steps to turn tones back on.