First, check that clrcult breaker is not tripped or fuse
If downdraft vent
blown. A Waring diagram is located on the insIde cover
of the wiring box Read before servicing
does not operate...
If you need
When you cal, you need the downdraft venl model
number and serlal number. Bolh numbers can be
found on the serlalirating plate in the lower right corner
01 the blower 130x
The Downdraft Venting System IS designed to remove
smoke, cooking vapor and odors from Ihe cooktop
Use and Care
area. For the besl results. the vent should be operatlng
before cooking is started. If you use large or tall
utensil2 place them on the large rear element or burner
To Operate the DowndraH Vent: Lift the top cover of
the vent. Turn Ihe switch lo a setting that will provide
Ihe amount of venting that you will need. The switch
has InfInIte settings. The indicator light should be on
Place cooking ulensll on the surlace unit. When
cooklng IS completed, lurn Ihe surface unrt off, remove
the cooklng utensil and turn the downdraft venl
Cleanina: The fillers inslde the loo of the downdraft
vent should be removed and cleaned frequently. The
filters can be olaced in the dishwasher or cleaned in a
hot detergent’solution. Keeping the lifters clean will
Improve Ihe operallng efficiency of the downdraft vent
DO Not use the downdraft vent if the filters are
not in place.
Clean the outside suiiace of the downdraft vent with
soap and water. Do Not use scouring powder or
abrasive solutions.
A Clean-out Trap at the bottom of the blower box IS
provided to help you retrieve any objects thal might
have lallen into the downdraff vent. Turn downdraft
vent switch OH. Remove two wing nuts and the aver to
the trap Remove the object. Replace the cover and the
two VAng nuts.
switch off.
It is recommended lhat the fronl cover to the vent be
kept closed during cookIng
The front cover opens to
access the filters for cleaning.
The clean-out trap should b-e removed and the area
cleaned wrth a hot detergent solution at least twice per
year. Clean the trap area if any spills into the vent
have occurred.
KitchenAid@ Downdraft Vent Warranty
One Year Full Warranty
from dale of Installation.
Five Year Llmrted Warranty
one year ful plus second through fifth
year limited from date of inslallatlon.
Replacement parts and repair labor to correct defects
in materials or workmanshlp. Service must be provided
by an authorized KItchenAId servicing outlet
Replacement motor If defective in materials or
A. Service calls to:
1. Correct the Installation of the downdraft vent.
2. Instruct you how to use the downdraft vent.
3 Replace house fuses or correct house wiring.
B. Repairs when downdraft vent is used in other than
normal home use.
C. Damage resuklng from accident, afteration.
misuse, abuse, improper installation or installation
not I” accordance with local electrical codes.
D. Any labor costs during limited warranty.
E. Replacement parts or repair labor costs for unrts
operated outslde the United States.
F. Pick up and delivery. This product IS deslgned lo
be repalred in the home.
KitchenAid, Inc. does not assume any responsibility for incidental or consequential damages. Some slates do not allow the exclusion or limitation
Incidental or mnsequentlal damages, so this exclusion or IImItation may not apply to you.
This warranty grves you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from slate to stale
How to arrange for service.
. FIrsI call
dealer or repalr service he recommends.
* All sewice should be handled locally by the dealer from whom you purchased the un11 or an authorized KItchenAId servlclng outlet. If your local service is
Jnsatlsfactory. contact the Customer Relations Department, KitchenAld, Inc , P.O. Box 558. St. Joseph, Ml 49085-0558. Call Toll Free 800-422-1230.
Parl No. 3177298 Rev A
1 C',s@
KII~~G rA,d 11.c
Prepared by KiIchenAld’h St Joseph, hl~ch~gan 49085
PrInted II- U.S.A