Fresh Coffee Beans
Truly great coffee can only come from fresh
coffee beans. To preserve the freshness of
your beans, keep the beans in an opaque,
airtight container and store them in a cool,
dry place. Refrigeration is not
recommended since condensation tends to
form on the beans whenever the container is
opened. Freezing can help preserve beans
stored for an extended period, but it will also
impair flavor.
The Right Grind
The best cup of coffee comes from coffee
beans that are properly ground just before
brewing. When grinding, be sure to grind
your coffee to a medium grind level, the
appropriate grind for automatic drip coffee
Look for the KitchenAid
blade or burr
coffee grinders at your local retailer or
online at www.kitchenaid.com.
The Proper Amount of Ground Coffee
A good starting point is 1 tablespoon of
coffee for every cup of brew water marked
on the glass carafe or the water tank. Finer
grinds usually require less coffee but may
also produce bitterness and clog the filter.
For weaker coffee, brew using the
suggested ratio of coffee grounds and
water, then dilute with hot water. This
maximizes flavor and minimizes bitterness.
Brew Water Purity
Great tasting coffee starts with fresh water.
The removable water tank is easy to fill with
water to give you great tasting coffee every
time. It’s also easy to clean so you can
always make your coffee with the freshest
Where local water is extremely poor, you
may wish to use bottled water. Do not use
distilled water or mineral water since they
can damage your coffee maker.
Coffee Maker Cleanliness
Since the coffee oils that build up on the
brew basket and carafe can go stale and
impair the flavor of the brewed coffee, it’s
important that these two items are cleaned
daily in order to make the best tasting