Direct wire method
Localcodesmaypermitusingarmored ornon-metallicsheathed,
copper wire(A) (withgroundwire) toconnectdishwasherto
5. Cuta 3/4"(l.gcm) holeinla_, sideorfloorofcabinet(B) for
directwiring.Rightsideis easiestlocation.
Wood cabinet: Sandholeuntilsmooth.
Metalcabinet: Coverholewithgrommet (PartNo.302797)
6. Installa U.L-listed/C_A-certffied strain relinftothe junction box.
Ifusing conduit, use a Ui.-listed/CSA-certiffedconduit connector.
Connect the power supply wire to thejunction box. Run the other
end ofwire throughcabinet hole (B). The power supply wire
must extend 24 inches (61cm) from the back wall into cabinet
Power supply cord method
Localcodesmaypermit a U.L.-listed/_A-certiffed,16-gauge,power
supplycord (PartNo.4317824) (C)with a three-prong,ground-
typeplug (D) toconnect dishwasherto grounded outlet(E).
5. Cuta 1-1/2"(3.8cm) hole in rear or rightsideofcabinet(F) for
powersupplycord. Rightsideis easiestlocation.
Wood cabinet: Sandholeuntilsmooth.
Metal obinet: Coverholewithgrommet(PartNo.302797)
availablefromyour dealer or partssupplier.
6. Install a matingthree-pronggronnd-typeoudet in anadjacent
Waterline (protect from freezing)
7. CUta 1/2"(1.3cm) minimumhole(G) in cabinetwallorfloor for
water line.Loftsideis easiestlocation.
8. Roughwaterline(H) to the cabinetopening.
9. Installamanualshutoffvalveinthe waterlinewhereitcan be
10. Flushwaterlineinto a bucket to getrid ofanyparticlesthatmay
cloginlet valve.Checkthatthere are no sharpbends orldnksin
thewaterlinethatmayrestrictthewaterflow. Turnshutoffvalveto
the "OFF"position.
Drain hose
11. CUta 1-1/2' (3.8on) diameterdrainlineop_ (I) in the