Using the burr-cleaning brush, clean
the burr mounted on the burr-shaft
assembly and the burr mounted
within the motor housing.
NOTE: To avoid damage to the Burr
Coffee Mill, do not wash the burrs or
burr-shaft assembly in water. Keep
them dry at all times.
After cleaning, tilt the Burr Coffee Mill
backward so the front of the motor
housing faces upward.
With the corkscrew-shaped auger shaft
facing into the motor housing, insert the
burr-shaft assembly into the mill. Keep
the burr-shaft assembly level, so the tip
of the auger shaft will line up with the
small socket in the motor housing.
Once the burr-shaft assembly is in the
motor housing, rotate the assembly
until it falls into place. When correctly
positioned, the burr-shaft assembly
cannot be rotated, and pushing on the
burr-shaft will make it spring back.
Place the faceplate assembly onto
the motor housing. Make sure the
numbers on grind level ring are
positioned across the top of the
assembly. Using your fingers, tighten
the faceplate screws by turning them
clockwise. The two screws must be
tightened simultaneously to allow the
faceplate to sit flush with the unit.