Kirby Morgan 47
© Copyright 1970-2007 Kirby Morgan Dive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Document #070604002
Whenever KMDSI helmets or masks are used in European Countries, which have adopted the C.E. certification pro-
grams, they must only be used with C.E. certified components. Diving operations should only be conducted within the
limits of the operational specifications, and in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the governing
authority in the specific country or geographical location where the diving operations are being conducted. If you have
any questions concerning this manual or the operation of your helmet, contact KMDSI (805) 928-7772 or at kmdsi@
KirbyMorgan.com or Dive Lab Inc. (850) 235-2715 or at Divelab@aol.com
Always read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any chemical - adhesive, clean-
ing agent, or lubricant - used on your Kirby Morgan helmet. Some of these chemicals
may cause serious bodily injury or death if used improperly or without the proper per-
sonal protective equipment.