
Once your Keyspan serial port is selected, configure the TCP/IP, PPP, and Proxies tabs as per
your Internet Service Provider (aka ISP, ie Earthlink, IBM, Mindspring, etc.) instructions. Then
click on the Modem tab.
In the Modem tab, you will need to select a modem script for your modem or cell phone. These
modem scripts tell your modem or cell phone how to operate. Select your modem/cell phone from
this list and then click the Apply Now button.
Important: if you do not see your modem/cell phone in this list,
contact your modem/cell phone manufacturer for a "
Mac OS X
compatible modem script."
If they don't have one, contact Keyspan
Tech Support. We may be able to assist you in finding a script.
You have now told the Network System Preference which modem/cell phone you are using and
which Keyspan serial port that modem is connected to. Please proceed to Step 4...
Step 4 - Configure the Internet Connect application and connect to the Internet
Open the Internet Connect application. This application is found in your Mac OS X
Applications folder.
(continued on next page...)
Keyspan:USB Serial Adapter for Mac OS X-v2.x User Manual
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan USB Serial Adapter Software for Mac OS X.
Rev 05jul15 Page 25