5-tone Signaling is enabled or disabled by your dealer. This
function opens the squelch only when the transceiver receives
the 5 tones programmed in your transceiver. Transceivers
that do not transmit the correct tones will not be heard.
Note: Your transceiver functions include either 5-tone Signaling or
FleetSync {page 26}, but not both.
A Selcall is a voice call to a particular station. To make a
1 Select your desired zone and channel.
2 Press the key programmed as Selcall or Selcall + Status
to enter Selcall Mode.
3 Rotate the selector or press the <B and C> keys to select
the ID of the station you want to call.
• Alternatively, you can enter a station ID using the DTMF
• You can also enter digits by using the DTMF keypad or by
selecting digits with the selector. Before entering digits using
the DTMF keypad, enter Manual Input Mode by pressing and
holding the S key. When using the selector, rotate it to select
a digit. The cursor can be shifted to the left or right by
pressing the <B or C> key. Repeat this process until the
entire ID is entered.
4 Press the key programmed as Call 1 to Call 6 and begin
your call.