Welcome to the Connection and Setup Guide for your new
Kenwood audio-video receiver.
The KRF-X9995D offers 3 kinds of 5.1-channel digital de-
• Dolby Digital, for the hundreds of currently available
Dolby Digital DVDs and LaserDiscs.
• DTS, a well-established multichannel format in movie
theaters, is available for home theater on LaserDisc and
• MPEG Multichannel, a well-established multichannel
format in movie theaters, is available for home theater
on LaserDisc and DVD.
The KRF-X9995D also offers 2 kinds of 6.1-channel digital
• THX Surround EX technology reproduces a surround
back channel from software which has been specially
encoded with Surround EX.
• DTS-ES also creates a 6.1-channel surround environment
by adding the surround back signals. The KRF-X9995D
can handle both DTS-ES Discrete 6.1 featuring recording
of all channels in the digital discrete format and DTS-
ES Matrix 6.1 featuring matrix encoding.
In addition, the KRF-X9995D offers the following surround
• DTS-NEO:6: This converts 2-channel signals into 6.1-
channel signals by means of a high-accuracy digital
matrix decoder.
• Dolby Pro Logic II: This is advanced version of Dolby
Pro Logic and features improved audio quality.
• THX Ultra: This corrects signals in order to reproduce a
similar acoustic field to movie theaters in home use.
Connecting and Setting Up Your New Kenwood Audio-Video Receiver
D.R.I.V.E. circuit: This is a Kenwood original technology for
reproducing signals with high resolution by instant switch-
ing of the internal filters according to the input signal. The
KRF-X9995D incorporate a high performance DSP to pro-
vide very high resolution from a 32-bit DRIVE III circuit,
achieving stereo audio reproduction with the best quality
ever reached.
HDCD®: This is a new format of high-resolution recording.
The KRF-X9995D is capable of reproducing CDs recorded
in the HDCD format with high resolution and wide dynamic
Use it to connect all your current audio and video com-
ponents—the KRF-X9995D has a variety of connection jacks
so you can customize your entertainment setup.
It also includes Kenwood’s remarkable PowerTouch LCD
remote—a graphical user interface without having to use
your TV!
Other advanced features include 6 S-Video inputs and an
optical and coaxial digital outputs for digital dubbing to
MiniDisc or CD-R. For a match made in “dual-room
heaven,” get the DPF-J9030, DPF-J9020 or DPF-J9010
Manufactured under license from Digital Theater Systems,
Inc. US Pat. No. 5,451,942, 5,956,674, 5,974,380, 5,978,762
and other world-wide patents issued and pending. “DTS”,
“DTS-ES Extended Surround” and “Neo:6” are trademarks
of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.Copyright 1996, 2000 Digi-
tal Theater Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.
"Dolby", "Pro Logic", "Surround EX " and the double-D sym-
bol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential un-
published works. Copyright 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories.
All rights reserved.
, HDCD®, High Definition Compatible Digital® and
Pacific Microsonics
are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Pacific Microsonics, Inc. in the United States
and/or other countries. HDCD system manufactured under
license from Pacific Microsonics, Inc. This product is cov-
ered by one or more of the following: IN the USA: 5,479,168,
5,638,074, 5,640,161, 5,808,574, 5,838,274, 5,854,600,
5,864,311, 5,872,531, and in Australia: 669114. Other pat-
ents pending.
Lucasfilm and THX are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm
©Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved. Surround EX is a
jointly developed technology of THX and Dolby Laborato-
ries Inc. and is a trademark of Dolby. Used under authori-