
[FM]/ [AMI buttons L
Select the band.
Each time the [FM] button is pressed it switches between the
FMI, FM2, and FM3 bands.
W4/ IWl buttons
Tune up or down band.
i#Ol - W91 buttons
Press buttons [#I I - [#6] to recall preset statrons.
[DIRECT] button
Enters and cancels the <Direct Access Tunrng> (page 19) mode
[DNPPI/ [OK] button
Enters and cancels the &NPP (Station Name Preset Play)> (page
20) mode.
i~rrl/ [wl buttons
Doing track forward and backward
[DISC+]/ [DISC-l buttons
Doing album forward and backward
1~11 button
Each time the button is pressed the song pauses and plays.
[DNPPI/ [OKI button
Enters and cancels the <DNPP (Disc Name Preset Play)> (page
24) mode.
[#Ol - [#91 buttons
When in <Direct Track Search> (page 22) and <Direct Album
Search> (page 23). enter the track/disc number.