or specia hin
In the following hints for better washing, an all-purpose
detergent should be used unless stated otherwise° See Con-
trol Setting Chart (page 8) for dryer timer settings,, Always
consult garment labels and hang tags for manufacturer's
washing and drying instructions before machine washing
and drying,,
[_kWARNING ] Do not use heat to dry foam rubber or similarly textured rubber-like materials, or pillows and clothing with
feathers/down. Man-made fibers (synthetics) such as polyester, nylon, and acrylics must be dried on LOW heat.
:g_h?B_ibH:!_li_t!l_: !:_ililPretreat heaviiyS0iieOarea'So'brush ona littte liquid detergent, or wet area
and rub in detergent. Use Warm soak for oil, juice stains: Cold for egg.
m[!k, cereal statns.
iD_ii_at_Br_is_eS_, ii::::!:i Wash separately
' ":'i_":''':_':_:_...........:_::_"_::::'::':_ in diaper pail wiih"soi'_iion"oi cold water and borax
• Rinseat once, soak
Plastic lined pants be dried se_aratelVl ..................
Shake out dust RemovestWns. Pretreat heavity soiled areaswith deler-
!_ _ont, Wash one lame or two small b_anketsat a time.
Foiiow manufacturer's recommendationS: ..........
If badIy sun-weakened, even hand washing will causetearing Besure Warm Cotd
colors are fast and fabric is washable, Removehocks and non-washable
....![[m,,,,,UseWarm,soak if heavilysoiled. ..........................
,o! ................... .............. .....
Re,utres required, use Warm Soak ............... Warm .............iii'_oid Knit/Delicate
:!P_i:m_ili_iit:!Ph_;ii::_:i:_!!;i:Turn slacks and dark items inside out to prevent whitening and frostingof Warm Cold Perm't Press
seams and creases
i;:ii=_kt__si_k_ _i,_::::_:_:: ............................
i!i::i:i:Whii_i_l_i_:_:Cii!i:i_ii';:, Pretreat collars and cuffs with liquid laundry detergent ' ..............Hot Cold...... Perm't Press
ili!i:;:W_l_i_::i_h_i__!_!::i:ii:!;:ii!;:ii:i!::;Pretreat heaViiy "rubbing in llquldlaundrydetergent. Let aol ....Cold' Perm't Press
ii!i!ii_i!;!;il;iii!:ii_!:!;i:! I stand 30 to 60 minutes If clothesare heavily soiled useWarm SOAK for
: grease and oil, Cold SOAK for dustor bided-stained garments, Use !/4 to
1/2 cup fi_Wd laundry deter_entjn.,SOAK, l/2 to 1 cup in WASH.
_ofindatiiiil:_]3lirm_iits_!;,_:iFrequent washing lengthens life, helpsretain shape Removenon- Warm Coid'.............Knit/Delicate
:!;;(S_:iW_r;nl5_i!! washable trim. CloseziDl:)ers,ta..s,l en.hooks.
'iPl_,tl_!_ i_i_i_ii_!ii_i;_ii'_i_i_:i:ii:,_!':Some plastics will tear if machine-washed. Placesmall Items in mesh bag.......................Warm Cold ....l<nii}'Delicate
!!iii_?ii_!_i!i}iiii!ii!ii::iii!iiiiiii,!i!iiii}}i:ii?forwashtng lf showercurtaInsaresoap-stalned, addwater softener to
wash water; d0n,t use de]._,r.qent,
:i:liuitl_dlMah_:_iPiid_:!_i Followtube! directions,
Shake out dirt. Air dry rubber-like or rubbe'i:backed"i'uOs Wash one large ..............................
or twosmall ruqs,,a!,,a.,l!,m,e.,,Followlabel instruc,!!OnS............................
':Slii_'_i_:ii::_llii_W_s_;:_'!i,iiil:UseWarm Soak for p!,[!g,wca,.se,s,slainedwith hair oil. ..................................... Hot ' Cold ...... Perm't Press
Be sure colorsare fast and fabric is washable Mend tears; remove Warm Cold Perm'! Press
detachable trim and fasteners. Wash only one large or two small chair
covers at a time,,Cottoncovers may be lightly S,larc,hed.
_i_._:_yi_t_t!_!!!!;!!! Pretreataround.,neckline. Fo_fowmanulacturer's recommendations. : Warm...... i C,O[d KnitlDeii'c'aie
Need special care to avow shrinkage See "Woolens," page 9
Removestains• Soak tt necessa_ Use Hotwash for white and................ Hot or Warm Cold Cotton Sturdy
:;!_:,.,.:_-_:, color-fasL Warm for others.................................
i_i_i_:_:i!_':!:_ii_i:_ii!:_!!i_!_i Use Warm Soak with 112 cup b,,!each,,,lorstained tea towels. Hot OL_arm Co!d Cottor('S'i,uirdy
;:W_D!'_O_i:i_;_!;i_ii_:_ii'_!!ii:_iMany are machine washable, However,because of its physical properties. See "Washing Woolens," Knit/Delicale
!_i_at_i_iiSp_S<_i!;_:i_!:: wool may shrink during washing As a general rule if tl can be hand page9 Keepagitation
washed it can be 'washed" by soaking in the water, A liquid detergent Warm Cold to a minimum
Is preferred because it dissolves tasterIn a soak than granulated Pro-treat
woolenswith liquid de!e,[ge,n,t,Never use ch or ne beach ......................
:;Woit_glot.iiBs_:ii_i_S!i;i_i!_':Shake out dirt, turn pockets inside out Soak clothes (see page 6), then HOt .......Col'd..........Cotton Sturdy
thoroughly. .....................
Hot Cold Cotton Sturdy Cotton Sturdy
' warm .......................Cold KnttlDelicate K'nitiOLelicate
Hot Cold Cotton Sturdy Cotton Sturdy
Wash with regular baby wash, Air Only
Warm ............... Cold Knit/Delicate Kn[!.!,Delicate
See page9 Perm't Press
See PaPe9.
Perm't Press
Perm't Press
Perm't Press
Air Only
Perm't Press
See page9
Coiio' "S urdy
Cotton Sturdy
See page9
Cotton Sturdy