"We Service What We Sell" is our
assurance that you can depend on
Sears for service, Your Kenmore
Laundry Center has added value
when you consider that Sears has
service units nationwide, staffed with
professional technicians trained on
all appliances Sears sells. They have
the knowledge and skills, tools, parts,
and equipment to ensure our pledge
to you that "We Service What We Sell'.'
Sears Maintenance Agreement
Maintain the value of your Laundry
Center with a Sears Maintenance
Agreement, Kenmore Laundry
Centers are designed, manufactured,
and tested for years of dependable
operation. Yet any appliance may
require service from time to time, The
Sears Maintenance Agreement offers
you an outstanding service program
for your Kenmore Laundry Center.
The Sears Maintenance Agreement
• Is your way to buy tomorrow's
service at today's prices.
• Eliminates repair bills resulting
from normal use.
• Allows for as many service calls
as required.
• Provides an annual Preventive
Maintenance Check at your request
to keep your laundry center in proper
running condition.
For more information,
call 1-800-827-6655,