Remember to pro-
gramme your external
recorder in accor-
dance with the timer
list programmed in
the receiver.
Use the
buttons to select the desired recording mode. The following recording mode options are
- once: The recording will be performed once
- daily: The recording will be performed daily at a time specifi ed by you
- weekly: The recording will be performed once a week on the same day and at the same time
Use the cursor buttons (
) to select the further items and use the keypad to complete the settings. When
all settings have been made, press the
button to save the recording settings. You can view the scheduled
recordings in the timer list view of the EPG (see section “Timer list”).
(red dot) button allows you to set up a programme at any time for recording on an external recorder.
The programme to be recorded can be selected in any of the EPG views, provided the
(red dot) button
appears at the bottom of the screen display.
If the programme is present in the EPG:
Select the desired programme and press the
(red dot) button. The following display appears (see
example picture below):
Programme not present in the EPG:
Select any programme on the channel on which the desired programme is to be transmitted at a later time
and press the
(red dot) button (starting and fi nishing times together with the recording date must be
input manually). The following display appears (example):