Basic Setting-up
ADR radio programs are transmitted over the Astra satellites only in the lower fre-
quency band. The following settings are required for the Astra satellites:
• Frequency band Low
• Orbital position 1
• Oscillator 1
Manufacturers default setting is ”Scan” selected and switched "On".
Oscillator Frequency
The satellites transmit their programs in a frequency band that the satellite receiver
cannot work with. In the reception-system (LNB - Low Noise Block-converter or
LNC - Low Noise Converter) these high frequencies are converted to lower fre-
quencies for the satellite receiver to work with.
The satellite transmitting frequencies lay in the following bands:
10700 - 11700 MHz Low-band
11700 - 12750 MHz High-band
The receiver’s input frequency band covers the 950 - 2150 MHz range.
The conversion of the higher frequencies into lower frequencies is achieved with
the help of the oscillator frequency (LO-Frequency). Different oscillator frequencies
are used for the various satellite frequency bands and system types.
For Astra and Eutelsat-reception systems using the lower frequency bands (Low-
Band) it is normally 9.75 GHz (9750 MHz) and for the upper frequency bands
(High-Band) 10.6 GHz (10600 MHz). Older reception systems working in the lower
frequency bands also work with a 10 GHz oscillator frequency.
The receiver calculates the required working frequency by subtracting the oscillator
frequency from the satellite transmitting frequency saved with each program.
This is why it is so easy to connect the UFD 346 to other reception systems, with-
out having to re-program every individual channel.
You only need to set the respective oscillator frequencies that your reception-
system uses.
When delivered from the manufacturer all of the LO-groups (LO 1 to LO 4) have
the oscillator frequency set to 9.75 GHz (9750 MHz).
Changing the Oscillator frequency
• Call-up the basic setting-up menu (see section ”Calling-up the Basic Setting-up
• Use these buttons to change to the menu option ”Oscillator-menu . . .”.
• Use these buttons to call-up the sub-menu ”Oscillator-setting-up”.
• Select the line containing the oscillator frequency (LO 1 - LO 4)
to be changed.
• Use the number buttons to enter the new 5-digit LO-frequency (e.g. 09750).
Use these buttons to select the pre-programmed LO-frequencies as listed
in the table below:
09610 09665 09750 09950 10000 10230 10259 10500
10600 10700 10750 11000 11125 11300 11450
• Further oscillator frequencies may be entered by using the same methods.
Ÿ Press this button twice, to save your settings.