Requesting help
In the TTY mode, the list of the available commands can be requested with the
question mark. In this list, the first three letters are capitalised, which should indi-
cate that it concerns a key abbreviation. The entry of the first three characters the
command (occurs with RETURN) is here sufficient to trigger the respective com-
mand. If it concerns commands without parameter entry (calling up measurement
values or switch-over of specific modes etc.), the command is switched off. For
commands with parameter entry e.g. FRE (for receiving frequency entry), the re-
quest of the frequency appears after the command abbreviation by the MSK 33. It
is also possible to add the parameter (here the frequency) to the command abbre-
viation as an attachment (separated by a space). Example FRE 266.25 MHz.
The command must be here entered in with a point. Units are proposed as default
and must only be added for a difference. Example FRE 10.7 G means 10700 MHz,
FRE 10.7 however 10.7 MHz. It is sufficient to type in the first letters of the unit
In ANSI mode, context-sensitive help is switched on. This means, that the user re-
ceives notes concerning the command selected from the pulldown menu, which
appear on the lower section of the screen.
Example for logging-in in ANSI mode
In ANSI mode, it is possible, to type in the commands, like in TTY mode) as com-
mand abbreviations, to select the commands from the pulldown menus with the
cursor buttons or to call up the commands via the button combinations.
In order to select from the pulldown menus, any cursor button must simply be
pressed. Now with the cursor buttons, the menu can be selected (left-right cursor)
or the command in the menu (up-down cursor) can be selected and with RETURN
the selection can be confirmed. The pulldown menu can be opened with the CON-
TROL + highlighted cipher, in order to then select a command with the highlighted
letter. Example: For frequency input, press CONTROL + C and afterwards F.