
Preheatingis not necessary.
Foropenpan roasting,placemeator poultryonthe slottedportionofthe two-piece
pan includedwith the oven. Do notadd waterto the pan. Use open pan roasting
for tendercuts of meat. Lesstender cutsof meat needto be cookedby moist heat
in a covered pan.
Forbestresults,a meatthermometeror probeisthe mostaccurateguideto degree
of doneness. The tipof the thermometeror probeshould be locatedinthe thickest
part of a roast, not touching fat, bone, or gristle. For turkeys and large poultry
products,insertthetip of thethermometerorprobeinto thethickestpartof the inner
Place roastfat side up to allow self basting of meat during roasting.
Since meats continueto cook after being removedfrom the oven, remove roast
from oven when it reaches an internal temperature about 5 degrees below the
temperature desired.
For less loss of juices and easier carving, allow about 15 minutes"standingtime"
after removingmeat from oven.
Forbestresultsin roastingpoultry,thawcompletely. Dueto the structureof poultry,
partiallythawed poultry will cook unevenly.
If preferred,tender cuts of meatcan be roasted inthe conventional bakeoven by
following the general recommendationsgiven above. However, meats will roast
more quickly in the convect oven using Convect Roast.
Conventionalbake is best for lesstender cuts of meatthat requirea longer, moist
heat methodof cooking. Followyourrecipe for timesand temperaturesfor covered
Meatscookedinovencookingbags,dutchovens,or coveredroastingpansarebest
cooked in the conventional bakeoven using the Bake Pad.
Use meat roasting charts in standard cookbooks for recommended times and
temperaturesfor roasting in a conventional bake oven.
NOTE: A cooling fan will operate during all cooking modes. The fan may also
continue to operate after the oven is turned off until the oven has cooled