
What Can & Cannot Be Washed:i '
Remember, it is the user's responsibility to determine if the item should be washed in a dishwasher
Material Us u_l!y Safe :E-_,.eeD_l_(_,,_,_ :_w
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Aluminum Yes [ Some colored anodized alu- If the item darkens or spots,
/ fade
remove hy scouring wi_ soap-
]lied steel wool.pads.
;ast Iron No ] Iron will'rust. If in doubt, check with the manu-
facturer. Or test wash one piece
daily for several weeks.
China & Yes Antique,metal-trimmed, hand- Load securely to prevent move-
Stoneware painted or over-the-glaze patterns ment. Check with manufacturer.
fade. Gold leaf will discolor.
Crystal Yes Antique. metal-trimmed or paint-
ed patterns fade.
Non-dishware No Do not wash in dishwasher. It
items such as may damage, discolor or stain the
electronic air dishwasher.
cleaner f'flters,
furnace filters,
paint brushes,
Glass Yes Milk Glass may yellow.
Pewter No Pewter tarnishes.
Plastics Yes If it doesn't say DISHWASHER
SAFE, test one piece before dish-
washing an entire set.
Stainless Steel Yes Rinse if not washing immediate-
ly. Salty or acidic foods stain if
left on.
Sterling Silver Yes Don't put in same silverware Rinse if not washing immediate-
and Silver plate basket with stainless steel, ly. Salty or acidic foods stain if
Contact between metals can left on.
damage silver. Don't wash cop-
per utensils in the same load.
Silver may get a brown film.
Non-stick Yes
Tin No Tin can rust.
Wood No Wood can warp, crack or lose its