
DoNOT allowplastic objects,sugar,or foodswith high sugarcontentto melt onto
the hotcooktop. Meltedmaterialscancausepermanentdamagetothe cooktop. If
you accidentallymelt anything onto the cooktop, or a sugary solution boils over,
removeitimmediatelywhilethecooktopis stillhot. Carefully,useasingleedgerazor
bladeheld with a pot holderto scrape the meltedmaterial or sugary boiloverto a
coolerareaof thecooktop. Useseverallayersof papertoweltowipeupthespillover,
beingcarefulnottoburnyourself. Whentheelementhascooled,usetherazorblade
toscrapeoffthe remainingsoilandclean asyou wouldfor heavyspills. (Seep."t6.)
Do NOT use aluminum foil or foil-type containers under any circumstances.
Aluminumfoilwill damage thecooktop if it melts ontothe glass, If metal meltson
cooktop,do notuse. Call an autherizedJenn-AirService Contractor.
Do NOT usetheglass-ceramiccooktopas a cutting board.
pads),which will scratchthecooktop.
Do NOT use chlorinebleach, ammonia, rust removers,oven cleaners,or other
cleansernetspecifically recommendedfor useon glass-ceramic.
Make surebottomsof cookpotsare always cleanand dry. (Soilfrom the cookpot
bottomcan be transferredto the cooktop surface.) Before usingcookpots on the
g/ass-ceramiccooktop for the first time, and periodically as needed, clean the
bottomswith scouringpadsor other cleansers. Rinseand dry thoroughly.
Make ita practiceto wipecooktop surfacewith a clean dampcloth or papertowel
beforeeachuse; drythoroughly. Invisiblespatters,dustspecks,cleansersor water
cancausestainsthat appearafterunitis heated. Aspongeor dishclothwhichis not
clean will leave film and soil laden detergent water which may cause stains on
surfaceafter area is heated.
Whenfrying, use a spattershield to reduce spattering.
Use correctcontrol settingsand cookwarelarge enoughto holdfood and liquidto
preventbelieversand spattering.
ifabad spilloveroccurswhile cooking,spills maybecleanedfromthe cooktopwhile
itis hotto preventatoughcleaningchorelater. Usingextremecare,wipewithaclean
damptowel. Becarefultoavoidburnsfromsteamorhandstouchingthe hotcooktop.