
Separate and strip the ends of
the speaker wire (not supplied)
as shown. Speakers and
electronics terminals have
corresponding (+) and (–)
terminals. Most manu-
facturers of speakers and
electronics, including JBL, use
red to denote the (+) terminal
and black for the (–) terminal.
The (+) lead of the speaker
wire is sometimes noted with
a stripe or other demarcation.
It is important to connect both
speakers identically: (+) on the
speaker to (+) on the amplifier
and (–) on the speaker to (–)
on the amplifier. Wiring “out of
phase” results in thin sound,
weak bass and a poor
stereo image.
With the advent of multi-
channel surround-sound
systems, connecting all of the
speakers in your system with
the correct polarity remains
equally important in order to
preserve the proper ambience
and directionality of the
program material.
LFE Level Control – This
control only affects the signal
sent to the LFE input. Adjust
the LFE level by starting with
the level controls on both
PS1400 modules in the
Minimum position. With 5.1, 6.1
or 7.1 source material playing,
advance the LFE Level controls
on both PS1400s slowly until
the desired amount of effects
channel is present. The normal
position for this control is full
clockwise, with LFE adjust-
ments being made via the level
adjustments on your processor.
We have provided this control
because the LFE output level of
AV receivers and processors
can vary from manufacturer to
If you are using the third or
fourth configurations, where
the main speakers are con-
figured as “Small” and all bass
information is being sent to the
LFE inputs of the PS1400s, the
LFE Level control will operate
on all low- frequency infor-
mation, and not just for the .1
channel effects.
LFE/Subwoofer Input – This
jack accepts either an LFE or
line-level output from the
receiver or processor.
System Input – These
binding posts accept a full-
range, amplified (speaker-
level) output from the receiver
or amplifier. This input should
be used whenever the PS1400
and PT800 modules will be
stacked and the internal
crossover used to form an
integrated floorstanding
speaker system. This input
should be used in that
configuration even if the LFE
input will also be used.
Power – This is the main
power switch, which must be
turned on for the amplifier and
electronic internal crossover to
function. If you will be away
from home for an extended
period of time, or if the PS1400
will not be used, turn this
switch off to conserve
General Connection Information