he CS400SAT is designed to be mounted on the wall. There is a
fixed-mount wall bracket and an adjustable wall bracket provided for
ach satellite. Each speaker bracket will require up to four 1-1/2"#10
wood screws; each screw should be fastened to a wall stud. If a wall
tud is unavailable, install an anchor appropriate for a 1-1/2"
10 screw.
he customer is responsible for the correct selection
and use of mounting hardware (available through hardware stores)
hat will ensure the proper and safe wall-mounting of the speakers.
Fixed-Mount Wall Bracket
Step 1. Mark the positions on the wall where you would like
o place the mounting screws.
Step 2. Attach the bracket to the wall using two screws
(not included).
Step 3. Remove the rubber ring on the bottom of the satellite,
and sit the satellite onto the back bracket.
Step 4. Attach 1/4-20 screw into insert on bottom of speaker
and tighten.
all Bracket
Step 1. Remove cap over threaded insert on rear of speaker
Step 2. Mark the positions on the wall where you would like to place
the mounting screws.
Step 3. Place bracket against the wall and fasten four 1-1/2" #10
wood screws through the bracket’
s screw holes into the wall. If a
wall stud is not available, use an appropriate anchor.
tep 4.
nscrew round collar (C) from bracket (A).
Step 5. Screw the ball and shaft assembly (B) to the 1/4"-20 insert
n the back of the satellite (do not use the bottom insert on the
speaker). Back out 1/2 of a turn and tighten the nut against the
peaker. If the ball and shaft assembly is not backed out before
tightening the nut, performing Step 8 below may dislodge the
threaded insert in the speaker housing and permanently damage
the speaker.
Step 6. Attach speaker wire as shown on page 5.
Step 7. Drop round collar (C) over ball and shaft assembly (B) that
is mounted to the speaker with the finished side of the collar facing
the rear of the speaker.
Step 8. Carefully push the ball straight into the socket mounted on
the wall, angle the speaker as desired and tighten the collar using
the enclosed metal bar.
Figure 3. Bracket on wall.
CS400 OM.qxd 11/20/06 4:25 PM Page 6