SS Control 30
᭤ Control 30 Three-Way High Output Indoor/Outdoor Monitor Speaker
Vertical 1/3 Octave Polars
High-Pass Frequency Recommendations
The line-matching transformer in the Control 30 has
been designed to minimize saturation; however, it is rec-
ommended that the system be high-passed to prevent
very low-frequency content from overloading the trans-
former and/or the driving amplifier at high signal levels.
The high-pass requirements vary according to the tap
settings and number of speakers connected in parallel.
The following chart will eliminate risk of saturation,
even at full voltage (70V or 100V) peaks. Reducing the
drive voltage will enable a corresponding reduction of
high-pass frequency (24 dB/octave high-pass slope).
High Pass Recommendations for Control 30
1 or 2 speakers 3 or more speakers
19 Watt Tap 30 Hz 35 Hz
38 Watt Tap 35 Hz 40 Hz
75 Watt Tap 60 Hz 70 Hz
150 Watt Tap 80 Hz 100 Hz
4 Ohm Setting No High-Pass required
JBL Professional
8500 Balboa Boulevard, P.O. Box 2200
Northridge, California 91329 U.S.A.
© Copyright 2007 JBL Professional
A Harman International Company
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