11.1 Primary Filtration Menu
During the primary ltration cycle, the circulation pump and CLEARRAY
are activated. The spa is programmed with a factory default setting but
can be programmed to any of the cycle settings listed below. These
cycles allow the circulation pump to run for preset amounts of time per
day, in addition to the normal operation. Should the circulation pump
activate outside of a preset cycle (except for PF0 and PF6), e.g. when
heating, that run time will reduce the length of the next cycle.
Note: To set a time for the primary ltration cycle to begin, simply turn
power on to the spa two minutes prior to the desired time. You can also
press the Warmer, Cooler and Jets Pump 1 buttons simultaneously for 2
seconds to restart the spa once power has been provided.
No ltration
4 hours of ltration per day
8 hours of ltration per day (default setting for J-335 to
12 hours of ltration per day
16 hours of ltration per day
20 hours of ltration per day
24 hours of ltration per day (default setting for J-315
and J-325)
2 hours of ltration – 4 times per day
3 hours of ltration – 4 times per day
In extreme bitter cold weather we recommend you program
the primary ltration cycle to run 24 hours. Refer to the "Win-
terizing" section on page 42.
A. For Models J335 to J385
Two minutes after power is applied to the spa, an automatic primary
ltration cycles begins. The circulation pump is activated and set to run
for 8 hours a day (factory default). The circulation pump draws water
through the skimmer bag and one of two lter cartridges to effectively
remove small debris in your spa. During the primary ltration cycle, the
circulation pump and CLEARRAY are activated. The factory default
setting is PF2. This setting is programmable.
Note: The circulation pump also supplies heated water to the spa when
the heater turns on. Any time the circulation pump runs outside of
a programmed cycle (except for PF0 and PF6), that run time will
reduce the length of the next cycle.