
Voice Detect
The voice recording mode will automatically
pause during silence. This is useful for
recording over a long
period of time to save memory.
Level : Set the relative level of sound needed
to activate the recorder. (Level 1-10). Set to
00 to disable Voice Detect
Sec : Set the number of seconds of silence to
record before
pausing. (1-10 Seconds)
Use the buttons to select Level option and use the
buttons to control.
Use the buttons to select Sec option and use the
buttons to control.
Press the button to confirm.
Auto Sync
While recording from an external device with
the Line-In, when recording from a tape, CD,
or record a new file will be created for each
track (pause) on the source.
OFF : Audio signal detection is disabled.
Audio signal detection time (1-5 seconds) :
The amount of silence the player will use to
determine when a track has ended and to
start a new file.
Use , buttons to set time. Press
the button to confirm.
Line In Volume
Controls volume for recording from an external
adevice. 0 to 20 levels are available.
Use , buttons to set volume.
Press the button to confirm.
EXT.MIC Volume
Controls external microphone volume. 0 to 20
levels are available.
Use , buttons to set volume.
Press the button to confirm.
INT.MIC Volume
Controls internal microphone volume. 0 to 20
levels are available.
Use , buttons to set volume.
Press the button to confirm.
Item Description
Stereo Use stereo recording
Bitrate Set the recording bit rate. Higher bit rate makes higher quality but
larger file size. 40~320kbps are supported.
AGC, Stereo, Bit Rate
After setting the Source item, use the buttons to select a Stereo
(AGC) item and use the buttons for setting
Use the buttons to select Bitrate item and use the buttons
for setting.
Press the button to confirm.