Part No 1096926 27 Supine Bath Tub
Heavy Duty Cleaning Procedure
DO NOT use this product or any available optional equipment without first completely reading
and understanding these instructions and any additional instructional material such as owner’s
manuals, service manuals or instruction sheets supplied with this product or optional
equipment. If you are unable to understand the warnings, cautions or instructions, contact a
healthcare professional, dealer or technical personnel before attempting to use this equipment
- otherwise, injury or damage may occur.
The disinfectant dispensing system has been factory tested and calibrated for use with Invacare
disinfectant. The use of any disinfectant with a dilution ratio (½ oz per gallon) or viscosity level
different than that of Invacare disinfectant will result in an improper mixture of disinfectant and
water. This may cause your system to be improperly disinfected - or in some instances, not
disinfected at all. If using any disinfectant with a dilution ratio or viscosity level different than
that of Invacare disinfectant or if switching from one type of disinfectant to another type, the
disinfectant flowmeter must be calibrated before performing this procedure. Refer to the tub
owner’s manual or to the calibration instruction sheet, part number 1154272, for the calibration
ALWAYS wear rubber gloves, an apron and face shield protection during disinfecting,
cleaning and rinsing procedures. In case of eye or skin contact, follow procedures on
disinfectant container.
NEVER use abrasive cleaners like scouring powder or liquid cleaners containing pumice
stone. The use of these types of cleaners will make the gel-coat finish of your tub scratched
and dull. NEVER use cleaners containing iodine, bromine, Betadine or methylene blue. The
use of these types of cleaners will cause the tub to stain. Never use cleaners containing
bleach. Use of these types of cleaners will dry out the rubber seals and gaskets and the tub
will not function properly.
Before starting the whirlpool pump, the water level must be completely above the whirlpool
jets. Otherwise damage to the motor/pump will result.
Inadditiontodisinfe ctingyourtubafterev eryuse,youwillneedtoperformthi sprocedure
approximatelyonce ev ery80‐150ba ths.
1. Cleantheentiresurfaceofthetubtoremov evis ibletissueresidueandflui d.
2. Rinsetheinsidesurfaceofthetubwiththeshow er/massagewandonthespraysetting.
3. Rotate
NOTE:Thiswillmaximizethecleaningsolutionʹsabilitytocleanan ddisinfectthesystem.
4. Closethedrain.
5. Makesurethewhirlpooljetsareopen.
NOTE:Therequiredamountofwatertocoverthewhir lpooljetsis50gallons.
6. Fillthetubabovethewhirlpool jets.
Heavy DutyCleaneris200ounce s.
7. Addthe Inv acareHeavy DutyCleanertothewaterinthetub.
8. Spraypre‐mixedInvacareHeavyDutyCleanerontheremainingsurfaces.
9. Pressthewhirlpool on/off buttontoturnonthewhirlpoolpump andletthepump runfor60
10. Turnoffthepumpand
allowtheheavydutycleaner/water solutiontoremaininthetubfor10
11. Duringthisten‐minute waitingtime,takealonghandledbrushandthoroughlyscru ball
12. Openthedraintoallowtheheavy duty/w atersolutiontodrainfromthetub.
13. Usetheshower/massage
wandonthepulse settinganddirectthesprayintobothwhirlpool
jetstobackflushuntilthewaterdischar gingfromthewhirlpoolinletisclear.
14. Rinsethetubthoroughlywiththeshowerwandon thespraysetting.
15. Checkthetubfordamageandtoensureallsurfacesofthetub
arecle anandthatnovisible
residualsremain.Ifresidualsarefound,repeatSTEPS13and 14.